Thursday 5 May 2016

Visual Response: Japanese Commuters

After my further researching into communicating and the 'daily grind' I decided to do I series of images based off of the idea of commuters sleeping on trains in Japan. In All the images I wanted to use a very minimal pallet consisting of primarily greys and black with the only colour being used to describe the skin. This was so that, when coupled with the use of repeat imagery, it would create much more monotonous and dreary images that better reflect the theme of conformity.

I think I have managed to achieve this feeling in these images although to varying degrees of success. I think the best is the image above, this is due to the process of collage used which, as I have said before fits in to the theme of conformity given how it allows for more accurate duplicates of the individual figures to be created. Furthermore I like how the use of Texture on the figures arms and faces add some interest two and break up other wise flat shapes.

Although I like the basic composition of them, particularly the bottom one's use of a vanishing point to create a sense of depth, the bottom two images are far less effective than the first one. This is due to the lack of accuracy between each duplicate within the individual images. Therefore I want to recreate these, and similar images digitally using both Photoshop and Illustrator in order to achieve more uniformity within the images. 

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