Thursday 5 May 2016

Final Crit

The general consensus from the final crit was that the use of repeated visual motifs was very successful in communicating the intent of my visual response to Studio Brief 2. In particular I was told the reductive approach to figure and form is something I should further explore and refine with regards to creating some more resolved images.

As I have already mentioned in the previous post, it was also suggested that I try achieve this digitally given the precise uniformity I would be able to achieve with it. Also with regards to final, resolved images it was suggested I work in monochrome/grey scale to achieve this dreary sense of monotony.

Conceptually it was argued that my most interesting tangent, even though it is only briefly touched upon is the one exploring the notion of commuting and working a nine until five job given its direct relevance to us and just how accepted a notion it is within society.

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