Thursday 5 May 2016

Resolved images

Given the problems faced in achieving the sense of visual uniformity that I wanted from my images I decided to further develop and ultimately resolve my Japanese commuter images digitally. Initially I did this by creating them using vectors as given my images up until this point have been fairly reductive and shape based I felt the process would fit well. Furthermore contextually the cold, mass produced feel that vectors so often have I felt would further reinforce my themes and ideas for this module.

I feel that, despite the initial designs in being better for the bellow image and worse for the top two, the reverse is true for the final outcomes. This is because it feels so much flatter given that it doesn't have the same sense of depth/space. I Tried to resolve this by adding a row of passengers with their backs to the viewer to give the impression of a full train car, however I still don't think it has quite worked.

Although it was intentional, I think the images feel perhaps a little too boring and monotonous, looking back at what worked within my visual journal I tried to keep this feeling but create some interest by adding texture on photo shop to the vectors. To do this I created various ink and paint textures, scanned them in and converted them using the half tone bitmap tool as I felt this would give a more digital aesthetic which would better tie into the underlying themes of the images.I think this has successfully added a bit more interest to the images due to how the textured shapes alongside the flat vectors break up and add another level of contrast to the images. However I still feel the top two are far better than the bottom one as it still feels some what boring even though I think it is much clearing in communicating the subject matter or people sleeping on trains.Although aesthetically it's my favourite the first image feels perhaps a little too surreal and isn't quite as clear as the other two in communicating its intent. I think this is in part because the other two use motifs that clearly reference and relate to the ideas of the commute and the daily gring of a nine until five job.

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