Thursday 5 May 2016

Artist Research: Reduction, repetitive imagery

Given my previous visual explorations and various different themes and feelings I am trying to achieve through curating a certain aesthetic I wanted to look at other artists that work in a reductive manner often using repetition to create graphic pattern like images despite being primarily figure based. Immediately the work of Adrian Johnson cam to mind as well as that of Geoff McFetridge. I really like just how graphic both, are in describing the human form reducing it down to its most basic elements. This is something I have already been trying within my own work but feel could be taken further. 

Although I think Johnson's subject matter is perhaps a bit more cheery and positive than what I am exploring I feel McFettridge's work fits in a lot better thematically. This is due to the weird uniform tasks often being under taken within his images as well as a focus on areas of structured order and compliance such as classrooms and school yards.

AJ_TourdeFrance_1.jpg100 Best Dressed
Adrian Johnson

Geoff McFetridge

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