Wednesday 4 May 2016

Further Visual Development: Contemplating a new approach

Given the points highlighted in my last post I decided to further explore the use of repeat motifs/characters to explore the theme of conformity. I tried in some way to reconcile the two sets of images I produced before by depicting a singular figure splitting in two over and over again until a whole crowd of identical clones are present. I also intentionally excluded certain features form them, such as the eyes. This was both aesthetically so as to create something simpler and bolder as I had found that was far more effective in my previous images and conceptually I think it helps play into the idea of individuals' 'blindly' following the masses.

Although I think they're successful in communicating the themes of my visual response I think the the need for simplicity I highlighted in my previous post could be taken to much further and more graphic extremes. I think much simpler, shape based image, coupled with the use of repeated elements would be a lot stronger visually and would also reinforce the conceptual themes as the idea of something 'human' and individual would be lost to a more abstract, repetitive pattern.

To furhter my ideas with this I decided to gather together a collection f images exploring large scale, uniform groups of people engaging in activities that require some level of conformity through compliance.

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