Wednesday 4 May 2016

Initial visual responses

My initial visual responses focused mainly on the findings of Asch's experimented coupled with some of the themes of my essay that explored how young adults and teens seek trends in order to fit in and establish and excepted identity both of which are examples of compliance in action.

Therefore I went about creating a series of characters that have all merged into one homogeneous form due to how each member of the group has adopted the the thought, actions and appearance of the other in order to fit in and be accepted. Visually I think they are successful in communicating the main themes of my visual response. However I think the top two, particularly that on the right are much more successful aesthetically, as they are simpler in there constructing and bolder in their use of contrasting tone which has resulted in much more balanced images.

Ralph Steadman

Given his reputation as something of a maverick often prone to satirising and attacking various cultural and political institutions that are present within western society I decided to take out the book: Gonzo The Art by Ralph Steadman. Visually I felt it fitted with the looser more comical style of ink based drawing I had used for my initial responses. However it was his images relating to conformity and consumerism, particularly those using repeat motifs that I was drawn to. I think this is something that I could bring into my own work as it very strongly conveys the theme of conformity and compliance. 


With this in mind I did some very quick drawings incorporating the use of repeat motifs, however here rather than just try and show a compliant group of conformist as I had previously done, I wanted to try and show the individual being pressured to conform. Therefore I did one figure in each image in colour with his eyes open to signify him as an individual that is 'awake' with some sense of independence. However I purposefully gave them both panicked/confused looking expressions so as to try and convey that he is being pressured into the dull monotony of the others.

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