Friday 11 August 2017

Theory Into Practice: Practical Response

After my initial research I decided to begin by creating visual representations of pastiche. This was because although I didn't know exactly where I wanted to go with project it seemed best to start with one of the key words that I had picked out from before. In particular I decided to choose pastiche due to its pertinence to my essay (although i realise this isn't simply meant to illustrate studio brief 1) as well as the writings of Benjamin and Fisher.

Naturally I felt that collage rather than drawing would be the best process to focus on visual due to the fact that the key words I had listed all involved borrowing from and re-appropriated images and ideas. Therefore I began using collage to try visually represent pastiche purposefully choosing pop culture figures such Marilyn Monroe and Jean Michel Basquiat to enforce visually this notion of copying from past artistic movements.

Breakthrough via Practical Research

Although it was a start, this felt too simple and poorly thought out to base a whole project around and I felt that it would soon become quite stale. However In the process of making this initial 'pastiche' collages I managed to move my visual research into another direction.

Given that I had wanted to try a few different compositions out with each image, I had photocopied multiple versions of the same image but applied them into different images. What this resulted in was pairs of images that, whilst being comprised of the same pieces, were drastically different in their final position.

To me this seemed to visually represent the ongoing debate that I been looking at of parody vs pastiche/replication vs referencing given that it showed how different outcomes can be made despite being sourced from the same original pieces or points of reference. Therefore i decided this process was something on which I could base the rest of my project on and see how far I could push it.

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