Friday 11 August 2017

Theory Into Practice: Media Experimentation - Digital Collage

Having now set out on a line of investigation that I was finding far more productive than my original practical work I decided to try the same principles using digital collage. This is because as a practitioner I work mainly with digital media to produce my finished pieces, therefore I felt it appropriate to mix that aspect of my practice in 501.

Furthermore given that my initial research had focused on how technological advances had affected the production and development of art it seemed contextually relevant to produce some of my work digitally.

As with the previous pieces I began compiling a variety of different elements, such as my own own drawings, found imagery and textures into a variety of different compositions. Digital media gave me a lot more control over the process due to being able to continuously edit which pieces went where.

This gave me a far more varied set of practical experiments that I believe better represented the idea of artists/practitioners drawing from the same references but combing them with their own thoughts and process to create something dramatically different.

Although the original start point for this project was pastiche I now think it has moved more towards words such as lineage, progress and reference. This is in that my main visual argument seems to be that, although you may draw from the same influences as other practitioners and reference ideas that have already been done, you build upon them and combine them with others in a way that is unique to you.

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