Friday 11 August 2017

Theory Into Practice: Lineage

With a shift in the focus of my work I thought it would be good to try to better demonstrate this idea of practitioners coming from the same visual or conceptual starting point but ending at something completely different based upon what other experiences,references and processes they may also apply to their practice.

Therefore I experimented with producing two, five image series where by each series both starts at the same image that is gradually worked into and altered into something different. The idea was that both sets would still contain elements of the original image but would be drastically different from each other and would have reached their final form through a different set of applications.

I further tried to reinforce the concept by making the start image for both a traditional ink drawing from China that was then worked into digitally so as to show the idea of tradition and lineage and how this is referenced and altered in contemporary visual practice.

Geographical Location

So far I had only explored the idea of pastiche vs parody/ replication vs reference through the use of drawing from past influences/the work of others. However I thought it would also be worth exploring how technology has closed geographical distances as well meaning that practitioners can drawn from and reference work from all round the work to create something new.

Therefore I began creating a series of collages that combined traditional Chinese prints with drawings of Greco-Roman statues show as to show this combination of influences from different geographical locations.

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