Friday 11 August 2017

Critical Analysis: Study Task 2 - Establishing a Research Question

Suggested Research Question.
This can be a topic or theme, but please try to be as precise as possible.

Which Theorists Related to this question?
You can find these on eStudio - Try to list at least three.
 Walter Benjamin
Mark Fisher
Fredric Jameson
Which Academic Sources Are Available On The Topic?
What examples of practice / practitioners / images have you discovered?
Include a Harvard Referenced bibliography of at least 5 possible sources.

 Benjamin, W, 2008, The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility, and Other Writings on Media, 2nd ed, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press

Collins, Jim, 2009, ‘Genericity in the nineties’, in Cultural theory and Popular Culture: A Reader, 4th ed, edited by John Storey, Harlow: Pearson Education

Fisher, M, 2012, What is Hauntology?, California, University of California Press 

Jameson, Fredric, 1984, ‘Postmodernism, or the cultural logic of late capitalism’, New Left Review, 146.

Jameson, Fredric, 1985, ‘Postmodernism and consumer society’, in Postmodern Culture, edited by Hal Foster, London: Pluto

How Could The Research Question Be Investigated Through Practice?
What types of illustrations would you make in response to this, and why? Think about processes too.

 Illustrations drawing from and combing various pre-existing images most likely through collage. Naturally collage invokes questions of originality and authorship within a practitioners work and therefore seems the most appropriate process to my proposed line of investigation.

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